To choose equipment for the brewery, to determine its configuration and performance, you need to decide how many varieties, what kind of beer and in what volumes you want to produce. The performance of the brewery is indicated by the brewing volume of the wort per production cycle. The duration of the cycle (brewing) depends on the equipment and recipes. On average, the duration of brewing lasts 6-8 hours. Consequently, a day can make up to three brewing.
Brewery equipment consists of main and auxiliary units. The main units are included in the basic package and are required.
The primary fermentation of the wort and the fermentation (carbonation) of a young beer in the CCT take place. The amount of CCT depends on the type and quantity of beer that you want to produce.
We relate the rest of our brewery units to subsidiary ones, since without them you can also brew beer, you can replace them with other units, you can work without them, but you can work with them much more conveniently, and the beer will be of higher quality.
The choice of equipment configuration for a brewery is, first of all, the choice of the brewhouse productivity per brew, the choice of the required number of CCT, and then additional equipment. The amount of CCT depends on the type of beer you want to brew and the number of its varieties.
There are only two types of beer: top (ale) and bottom (lager) fermented. But the varieties are many, especially in ales.
Primary fermentation of both types of beer lasts about 4-6 days, depending on the recipe. Secondary fermentation of young beer at ale lasts 8-12 days, at lager from 14 days and longer, depending on the recipe. In addition, top beer ferments at room temperature (18-22 ° C), and bottom beer at a temperature of 10-12 ° C and below (up to 1-2 ° C).
It is obvious that the production of ale is more economical. For the production of top beer, fewer CCT and fermentation tanks are needed, and there is no need for powerful cooling units to obtain low temperatures of lager fermentation.
When deciding which equipment configuration to choose, it is necessary to determine the following:
No less decisive factor is the area and layout of the room in which the installation of the brewery is planned.
Based on your answers to the above questions, we will help you determine the optimal brewery equipment configuration.